How and where to search for printed books and eBooks

MU Libraries

MU Library Catalogue

Books and magazines from individual libraries of Masaryk University in one place.

Open Catalogue

Login to the catalogue

  • use the universal MU login: UČO + primary password
  • alternatively, use the data assigned during registration
Login enables
  • loans renewal (for a maximum of 180 days)
  • reservation of books on loan
  • placing a hold on books or board games from closed stack 
  • creating a list of favourite documents
After logging in, you can see an overview of your checked out items, holds and recalls, or fines


Basic search

You can choose what parameters to search by. The default option is All fields, and the catalogue guesses which parameter you entered.

  • title (part of the book title is enough)
  • author
  • subject
  • call number
Field for basic search


Advanced search

You can further specify your search:

  • you choose what you search by, and you can combine multiple search fields
  • you can select which library you want to search
  • in which language or languages ​​the document should be
  • in what year or range of years it was published
  • what type of document you wish to search for
This way, for example, you can search for books on the subject of educational counseling, by the author Čáp, in Czech, located in the library at FoA and published between 2000 and 2020.


Specify your search

You can narrow the basic and advanced search results using filters:

  • the library in which the document is located
  • type of document (e.g. book, periodical, university thesis)
  • author
  • language
  • theme, genre, period or area
  • publication year or range of years
Selected filters can be removed using the cross.


Borrowing a book

  • you can borrow the book home if it is available for a monthly loan at the Faculty of Arts
  • in the library, you can find it by call number – catalogue information on which floor and on which shelf the book is located will help you in your search
  • after logging in, you can reserve books that someone has borrowed and order books from closed stacks
  • books marked as Faculty of Arts – Departments or Mimo UK are available in branch libraries

Instructions for borrowing and reservations Frequently Asked Questions

The location information is displayed when you click on the book title or the Holdings link in the search results.
Czech Libraries

Catalogue of Czech libraries

To check the availability of a book in other libraries, use the portal, which enables a uniform search in Czech libraries and databases.

Open Detailed Instructions

What is it used for

  • For searched books, you will see in which libraries they are available.
  • You can not only search for books, but after logging in at some libraries, you can also directly extend loans and view additional information from your reader's account – e.g. the Moravian Library, the National Library and many other participating libraries.
  • It offers basic and advanced searches and filters to specify and limit the number of results – for example, the search can be limited to document type (books, articles, newspapers and magazines, music, maps, standards, etc.)
  • The portal also searches bibliographic sources (e.g. Czech National Bibliography, Pegagogic bibliographic database, the database of selected articles from Czech newspapers and magazines ANL), e-books (e.g. Bookport, Open Library, Munipress), Manuscriptorium or standards. You can choose which database you want to search.
After selecting an institution, you can check the availability of the book

If the book you are looking for is not available in any of the libraries in Brno, we will be happy to order it for you for an in-house loan.

Out-Of-Commerce Works

National Digital Library of Out-Of-Commerce works (NDK-DNNT)

The National Library of the Czech Republic has given universities access to the DNNT National Digital Library. The library offers full texts of documents (books, magazines, newspapers, etc.) published in the territory of the Czech Republic until 2007 (periodicals – published until 2010). These are works still protected by copyright law (70 years have not passed since the death of their authors) and are not available on the market.

The number of available works may vary depending on various factors. For example, free works and works published in a newer edition are removed from the list. Titles that have passed the half-yearly exposure in the Proposal for inclusion in the SDNNT are added to the list every six months.

Open the library List of Out-Of-Commerce Works


  1. On the initial page, check the acceptance of the terms and conditions and select the option Log in with a library account/eduID
  2. Select Masaryk University and log in with single login (UČO + primary password)

DNNT search

  • If you want to search only among DNNTs, click the Browse Library button and click DNNT online in the Licence side menu.
  • In addition to DNNT, the application also contains other scanned publications - public, from the point of view of copyright, so-called free (available from anywhere) and non-public (available only from computers in the National Library). If you are interested in viewing public works, select Public Only from the Accessibility menu.
Use the Filters to select which works you want to search.
World Libraries

WorldCat catalogue of world libraries

The largest international bibliographic database from the collections of 72,000 libraries in more than 170 countries.

Open WorldCat

What is it used for

  • Finding the exact book title, ISBN and different editions.
  • If the book has been published as an e-book, it will show its availability in online databases.
  • Finds the nearest library where the document is located - can be used when requesting loans from foreign libraries, which the Moravian Regional Library mediates.
Display of e-book availability in databases
View of book availability in libraries

E-books available at MU

E-books in so-called licensed databases are available to all MU students and employees. You can use the Discovery.muni service to search for them. You can find an overview of all databases on the EIZ Portal.

Open Discovery Open EIZ Portal

E-Books at Discovery.muni

  • To filter only eBooks, select the eBook resource type in the search results in the left bar and check the Fulltext option.
  • To search for a specific title, you can also use the List of available magazines and books (available in the top bar).
Setting up a filter to search for e-books

E-books in individual databases

The E-book download and reading options vary by provider and title. Sometimes it is possible to download the whole book, sometimes only parts of it. Sometimes it is necessary to register to access the content.

EBSCO eBook Academic Collection and EBSCO eBooks
  • A collection of professional e-books from leading professional and scientific literature publishers from many fields.
  • You can borrow books, i.e. download in pdf or epub format, for a maximum of 7 days. After that, the book is automatically returned (deleted). To borrow, you need to create an EBSCO account and install the Adobe Digital Editions environment on your device (laptop, tablet).
  • You can also read books in the online interface without restrictions. Download and print options are limited, usually 60 pages.
EBSCO e-book lending dialogue
GALE e-books
  • Selected electronic encyclopedic books from the GALE publishing house (areas of social sciences, business, law, education). Contains a series of books on literary criticism and books on authors from around the world.
  • It is possible to download individual entries from the selected encyclopedia.
Oxford Handbooks Online HSS
  • Handbooks in the field of humanities and social sciences. Resources published until 2018 are available so that you may come across locked publications.
  • You can browse content by subject, search in full texts and filter results.
Browsing archeology resources
ProQuest Ebook Central
  • ProQuest Ebook Central contains fully accessible e-books as well as so-called on-demand e-books. After five minutes of browsing online, you can request a purchasestep-by-step instructions.
  • You can view the full texts of already available e-books in the browser or download them in pdf format.
Option to request to purchase an e-book

The manual was prepared and maintained by Bc. Alena Kmochová. It is available under the CC BY 4.0 licence.

Bc. Alena Kmochová

Study and research support, Head of the department

phone: +420 549 49 5722
  • provision of reference and consulting services
  • graphic processing of library information materials
  • supervision and coordination of education of library studies students
  • creation of recherches

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