Storage space
Lockers for personal belongings
Lockers are located in the Quiet Coffee area and in Quiet Study Rooms. To lock and unlock your belongings use your MU chip card. The lockers cannot remain occupied overnight.
How it works
- Choose a locker with green light on and place your items inside in accordance with the rules.
- Touch your card (ISIC, ITIC or employee card) against the reader and wait until red light is on and then close the locker.
- To open your locker, touch your card against the reader above the red light.
- When leaving the library, leave the locker open.
Rules of use
- The locker cannot remain occupied overnight. Please collect your items no later than 5 minutes before the library’s closing time.
- Do not place the following items in the lockers: books not checked-out, books for reference use only (marked with an orange dot), and valuables.
- The library cannot be held responsible for any damage, loss or theft of any items placed in the locker.
- Library staff can check the contents of the lockers if necessary.
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
What if I forget the locker number?
To display the locker number, place your card against the reader on the wall.
What if I did not manage to collect my items?
If you know that you will not be able to collect your items in time or you forgot something in the locker, contact us at Include in the message the number of the locker in the message (if you do not remember it, indicate at least the floor and the approximate location) and the time when you can come to collect the items.
Lockers for books and materials
Mobile lockers spread over the Quiet Study Rooms. You can borrow the keys for up to 180 days.
How it works
- In the catalogue you can check the availability of:
- You can borrow the keys to the available lockers at the Circulation and Registration Desk without ordering. You can request a specific locker or floor.
- If no locker is available on the specific floor, you can reserve it.
- The locker is yours for 30 days, with the possibility to renew the loan.
- After returning the key, we will check the locker the next morning. Until then, the key will remain in your account.
Rules of use
- The lockers are mobile but need to be returned to their marked dock before you leave the library/when you finish working.
- Do not place the following items in the lockers: books for reference use only (marked with an orange dot), books not checked-out, perishable food and valuables.
- Library staff can check the contents of the lockers if necessary.
- If you lose the locker keys or damage the locker, the issue will be dealt with individually.