
Why and how to cite

Why and how to cite

We cite to behave ethically. Our goal in citing should be to provide enough information to enable anyone to find the document from which we have drawn. As part of academic publishing, we thus achieve continuity with previous knowledge and allow our followers to obtain a broader context of the given issue.

General principles when creating citations

  • Cite accurately, uniformly and clearly according to the chosen citation style and method.
  • If in doubt, always try to provide the data in such a way as to make it easier to trace back the source document.
  • Use only documents that you have actually worked with (e.g. it does matter whether you cite an electronic or a printed version of a document, as they may differ from each other).

What not to do

  • Forgetting to cite the works from which we drew.
  • To cite works from which we did not draw.
  • Cite inaccurately and/or incompletely.
  • Take over the original text and only modify it stylistically.

The manual was prepared and maintained by Mgr. Tereza Schwarzová Matýsová. It is available under CC BY 4.0 license.​

  • provision of reference and consulting services
  • provision of lessons and workshops
  • supervision and coordination of education of library studies students
  • creation of recherches
  • provision of Information desk services
Basic Concepts

Basic Concepts

Commonly known information / commonly known facts Unquestionable, easily verifiable information. We do not need to quote them unless we copy the entire text from a dictionary or encyclopedia.
Paraphrase If we only stylistically modify/retell someone else's idea in our own words, we still have to cite its source.
Quotation Verbatim adoption of a foreign text within your own document. It is usually appropriate to mark it graphically (typically with quotation marks, italics or paragraph indentation). Supplement it with a link to the source = citation.
Citation Abbreviated identification of the source from which the text (quotation, paraphrase) given by us comes. We present it directly in the text using a suitable method (footnote; author-date system). We thus connect the quoted text/idea with its source (i.e. with the bibliographic entry in the list of bibliographic citations).
Citation method Method of referencing in the text. Generally, the footnotes or the Harvard system (author-date method) are used.
Bibliographicreference Systematically arranged data that clearly identifies the document used. We use a specific citation standard/citation style (ISO 690; APA Style).
Listof bibliographic references List of references to the literature used (as a rule, we list it at the end of the thesis).
Mediated (secondary) citation Whenever possible, and when the source is available to us, we cite the original source. In the bibliography, indicate the secondary source that you actually used. In the text, indicate the primary source and use the formula "as cited in" to add a secondary source; if the year of publication of the primary work is known, give it.
Example: (Rabbitt, 1982, as cited in Lyon et al., 2014) / Allport's diary (as cited in Nicholson, 2003)

The manual was prepared and maintained by Mgr. Tereza Schwarzová Matýsová. It is available under CC BY 4.0 license.​


  • provision of reference and consulting services
  • provision of lessons and workshops
  • supervision and coordination of education of library studies students
  • creation of recherches
  • provision of Information desk services
APA Style

Citation according to APA Style

According to the American Psychological Association, APA Style is a comprehensive summary of rules for publishing professional texts. It also includes rules for referencing in the text and creating bibliographic citations.

Resources, guides, helpers

Citation in text

When citing in the text according to APA Style, we use the author-date system (also called the Harvard system). Each cited work thus has at least two entries in the text: a citation in the text and a corresponding entry in the list of used literature.

For citations in the text, we usually use two main data: the author's name and the year of publication. These data are given both in round brackets, or we mention the author's name in the course of the written text and add the year of publication in round brackets:

  • Falsely balanced news coverage can distort the public's perception of expert consensus on an issue (Koehler, 2016).
  • Koehler (2016) noted the dangers of falsely balanced news coverage.

You can find more detailed information on how to cite works by multiple authors, multiple works at the same time, specific parts of a work or, e.g. anonymous works in the manual or on the APA Style website.

Each work cited in the text must be included in the bibliography. Each work from the list of used literature must be cited in the text.


In the list of used literature at the end of the work, we arrange the bibliographic entries alphabetically, without numbering them:

  • Bartoš, L., Buzek I. & Fialová, I. (2006). Neología en el español actual. Ostravská univerzita.
  • Gladney, HM (2007). Preserving digital information. Springer.
  • Klein, P. & Kšicová, D. (2003). Symbolismus na scéně MCHAT: režijní koncepce K. S. Stanislavského. Masarykova univerzita.​​

Creating a bibliographic citation

The basic thought process about the quoted document should always be the same. We are interested in who (author) wrote the text, when (date of publication), what (title of work), and where (publisher, URL, ...) it was published.

The general structure of the record: Surname, N. (Year). Title. Source.

If any data in the document is not traceable, we omit it. The structure of the bibliographic citation can then be somewhat confusing. The APA Style website advises how to proceed specifically.

How to cite printed documents

Books (monographs) and anthologies

Surname, N. (Year of publication). Title: subtitle. (Edition). Publisher.


  • Bartoš, L., Buzek I., & Fialová, I. (2006) Neología en el español actual. (1st ed.). Ostravská univerzita.
  • Švaříček, R., & Šeďová, K. (Eds.). (2007) Učební materiály pro kvalitativní výzkum v pedagogice. (1st ed.). Masarykova univerzita.

Only the second and subsequent editions must indicate the edition number only for the second and subsequent editions.

Contribution to a monograph or an anthology

Surname, N. (Year of publication) Title: subtitle of the contribution. In J. Surnames (Ed.). Title: subtitle of the source document. (Issue, Volume, Paper Page Range). Publisher.


  • Nebeská, I. (2005) Doslov. In G. T. M. Altmann. Výstup na babylonskou věž: otázky jazyka, mysli a porozumění. (pp. 287—296). Triáda.
Magazine article

Surname, N. (Year of publication) Title: subtitle of the article. Title: journal subtitle, Year (Number), Scope.


  • Stukker, N., Sanders, T. & Verhagen A. (2008) Causality in verbs and in discourse connectives: converging evidence of cross-level parallels in Dutch linguistic categorization. Journal of Pragmatics: an interdisciplinary journal of language studies, 40 (7), 1296—1322.
  • Wihoda, M. (2007) Mocran et Mocran jako prostor k zamyšlení. Časopis Matice moravské, 123(2), 377—410.
  • Kasatkina, N. (2007) Etniškumo tyrimai: tendencijos ir esminės sąvokos. Filosofija. Sociologija, 18(4), 1—11.
Final academic theses

Surname, N. (Year). Theses title (Type of theses, Name of institution).


  • Master‘s theses | Birckmannová, M. (1991). Německá lidová strana na Moravě na přelomu 19. a 20. století (Master‘s theses, Masarykova univerzita).
  • Doctoral dissertation | Jůva, V. (1992). Vývoj německé muzeopedagogiky (Doctoral dissertation, Masarykova univerzita).

How to cite electronic documents

  • We can list the update of online resources specific to the day (2007, December 11).
  • Mandatory information for electronic documents is availability and access. This data should link to a verified source (typically a URL). It always takes precedence if a document is assigned a DOI (Digital Object Identifier). We present it in the format If we refer to a document from a database, we can give the name of the database instead of the URL.
  • For frequently changing sources (e.g., Facebook status), the wording may be followed by a citation date in the format "Retrieved November 16, 2015, from URL."
  • In specific cases, the type of document [carrier] is indicated. When in doubt about whether to include this specification, please include it.
Electronic books (monographs) and collections

Surname, N. (Year of publication). Title: subtitle. Publisher. Availability on the web.


Article in an electronic journal

Surname, N. (Year of publication) Title: subtitle of the article. Title: subtitle of the source document (series), Year (number), Page range. Availability on the web (=DOI/URL)


Electronically published final academic theses

Surname, N. (Year). Theses title (Type of theses, Name of institution). Database URL/Name


  • Final theses published in the MU Information System | Doležel, M. (2003). Staré japonské literární památky a jejich estetika (Master‘s theses. Masarykova univerzita).

Surname, N. (Year, month, day). Name: page sub-title. Website publisher. URL


Online video

Surname, N. (Year). Title [Online video]. Database URL/Name



Surname, N. (Director). (Year). Title [Movie]. Studio.


  • Mrnka, D. (Director). (2017). Milada [Film]. Loaded Vision Entertainment.
  • more examples (including TV shows and series episodes) on the APA Style website
Czech laws quoted from an online source

Title and designation of the Act/Part cited. (Year). Resource Name. Database URL/Name


Warning: this template is not supported by the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. The ways of citing Anglo-Saxon law are not easily translatable to Continental law. Another interpretation of citing Czech legislation is, therefore, possible.

The manual was prepared and maintained by Mgr. Tereza Schwarzová Matýsová. It is available under CC BY 4.0 license.

  • provision of reference and consulting services
  • provision of lessons and workshops
  • supervision and coordination of education of library studies students
  • creation of recherches
  • provision of Information desk services
ISO 690

Citation according to ISO 690

ISO 690 is a standard whose full name is ČSN ISO 690 (01 0197) Documentation – Bibliographic citations – Content, form and structure. Usually, when citing, we do not work directly with a standard, which is generally difficult to access.

Resources, guides, helpers

Rules for creating citations according to ČSN ISO 690

  • The primary source of data forming a bibliographic citation is the described unit (book, journal), within which the title page is the primary source.
  • Citation elements are written in the document's language (except for the scope) –⁠ e.g. 2nd ed., 2. völl., neubearb. Aufl., translation, editors, etc., but 52 p.
  • The rules of spelling for the given language are followed –⁠ writing capital letters, punctuation, ...
  • Data in non-Latin script obtained from the document is transliterated –⁠ the transcription can either replace the original form or it is followed by square brackets [ ]
  • If any of the mandatory information that the standard designates is not listed in the source document (e.g. ISBN for older books), we omit it in the citation.
  • Each individual element of a bibliographic citation must be separated by punctuation (comma, period).
  • The punctuation given in the standard is illustrative. Choose one system and use it throughout your work.

In-text citation methods

The ČSN ISO 690 standard does not specify a distinctive citation method in the text. The following methods are used most often. The choice of a specific method should be consulted with the supervisor/course teacher.

Citation using running notes

After each quoted place in the text, you write a number corresponding to the numerically ordered notes, arranged according to their occurrence in the text. The number can be written down

  • in superscript2
  • in round or square brackets on the line: (3) or [4]

Footnotes may contain the full bibliographic record of the work cited but may include only the following comma-separated information: author's name, title, and optional exact page range. When referring to a source already mentioned in a previous note, either the entire citation is repeated, or the number of the earlier note is given with the possible page range.

  • full citation: VIDOVIĆOVÁ, Lucie a Eva GREGOROVÁ. Věkové normy v sociologické perspektivě. Sociální studia. 2007, 1–2, s. 201–217. ISSN 1214-813X.
  • abbreviated citation: VIDOVIĆOVÁ, Lucie a Eva GREGOROVÁ. Věkové normy v sociologické perspektivě. s. 201–217.
  • repeated citation: VIDOVIČOVÁ, ref. 2, s. 215.

The list of bibliographic citations (at the end of the thesis) is not mandatory but recommended. If you choose to omit it, the footnote citation must be complete. Entries in the list of used literature are arranged alphabetically; they are not numbered:

  • BLACKSMITH, A. ...
  • ...
  • VIDOVIĆOVÁ, Lucie a Eva GREGOROVÁ. Věkové normy v sociologické perspektivě. Sociální studia. 2007, 1—2, s. 201—217. ISSN 1214-813X.
Author-date system (Harvard system)

When using this method of in-text referencing, each work cited in the thesis has at least two entries:

  • citation in the text
  • corresponding item in the list of used literature

For citations in the text, we usually use two main data: the author's name and the year of publication.

We include these data either in round brackets, or we mention the author's name in the course of the written text and add the year of publication in round brackets.

  • Falsely balanced news coverage can distort the public's perception of expert consensus on an issue (Koehler, 2016).
  • Koehler (2016) noted the dangers of falsely balanced news coverage.

You can find more detailed information on how to cite works by multiple authors, multiple works at the same time, specific parts of a work or, for example, anonymous works on the APA Style website.

Each work cited in the text must be included in the bibliography. Each work from the list of used literature must be cited in the text.

Citation using numerical references

Where the work is cited in the theses, you enter the number of the given document in round (or square) brackets or a superscript in the order in which it is cited for the first time. If you cite the same work in the text in several different places, you still use the same number as the first citation.

  • ... (71) or [71] or 71

It is possible to optionally indicate the relevant page or range of pages if only a specific part or idea is quoted.

  • ... (71 p. 15) or [71 p. 15] or 71 p. 15

In the list of bibliographic records, the records are arranged numerically, in the order in which they were first mentioned in the text:

  1. SVOBODA, Mojmír aj. Aplikovaná psychodiagnostika v České republice: zjištění stavu, potřeb a perspektivy psychologické diagnostiky v České republice. 1. vyd. Brno: MSD, 2004, 234 s. ISBN 80-86633-12-8.
  2. MAREŠ, Jiří. Psychodiagnostika podporovaná počítačem. Praha: Ústav pro informace ve vzdělávání, 1992. ISBN 80-21101-21-0.

Creating a bibliographic citation

The primary reflection of the cited document should always be the same. We are interested in who (author) wrote the text, when (date of publication), what (title of work), and where (publisher, URL, ...) was published.

Mediated (secondary) citation

Whenever possible and the source is available to us, we always cite the original source. Suppose we accept the citation (indirect/mediated/citation of a citation). In that case, the citation is given with the name of the author/authors, the year and a link to the original source.​

  • (James, 1890, after Hoskovec, 1992)

In the bibliography, only the source from which the contribution's author drew is indicated (in our example, only Hoskovec, J.). Another possibility is to enter the wording [NON VIDI] (= not seen) after the bibliographic citation of the primary document in the list of used literature.

How to cite printed documents

Books (monographs) and anthologies

Creator. Title: subtitle. Edition. Side creator. Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication, the scope of work. Edition, volume number. Comment. ISBN.

  • The edition is only mandatory for the second and subsequent editions.
  • Optional data is marked in blue.


  • BARTOŠ, Lubomír, Ivo BUZEK a Irena FIALOVÁ. Neología en el español actual. 1. vyd. Ostrava: Ostravská univerzita, 2006, 241 s. ISBN 80-7368-139-0.
  • GLADNEY, Henry M. Preserving digital information. Berlin: Springer, c2007, xxiii, 314 s. ISBN 978-3-540-37886-0.
  • KLEIN, Pavel a Danuše KŠICOVÁ. Symbolismus na scéně MCHAT: režijní koncepce K. S. Stanislavského. 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2003, 164 p. ISBN 80-210-3126-3.
Contribution to a monograph or an anthology

Post creator. Title: subtitle of the contribution. In: Creator of the source document. Name: subtitle of the source document. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication, range of pages. Edition, volume number. ISBN.

  • The edition is only mandatory for the second and subsequent editions.
  • In: is only used for a monograph/proceedings contribution, not a journal article.
  • We write the name of the source document in italics, i.e. a collection, not a specific contribution.
  • For a monograph or an anthology contribution, the extent of the pages is mandatory information.
  • Optional data is marked in blue.


  • JEMELKA, Petr. Hra a tvořivost ve filosofii Vítězslava Gardavského. In: Hra, věda a filosofie: sborník příspěvků. 1. vyd. Praha: Filosofia, 2006, s. 135–141. ISBN 80-7007-222-9.
Article in a magazine

Article creator. Title: article subtitle. Secondary author. Title: subtitle of the source document (journal). Place of publication: publisher, year, volume, issue, range of pages (p.) / year, volume(issue), range of pages (without p.). ISSN.

  • The standard lists publisher information (place of publication and publisher) as mandatory, but it is not crucial for document identification and can be omitted.
  • The location in the source document (year, volume, number and page range data) can be entered in either of the two ways listed.
  • For the first method, we provide abbreviations for the year and number, always in the document's language.
  • If the abbreviations are omitted, the numbers are distinguished typographically: the volume number is in bold, and the part number is in round brackets. We do not indicate the p. before the page range.
  • Optional data are marked in blue.


  • FUTTERA, Ladislav. Karel Havlíček a korespondence. Česká literatura: časopis pro literární vědu. Praha: Ústav pro českou literaturu Akademie věd České republiky, březen 2016, 64(1), 134–136. ISSN 0009-0468.
  • KASATKINA, Natalita. Etniškumo tyrimai: tendencijos ir esminės sąvokos. Filosofija. Sociologija. 2007, t. 18, nr. 4, s. 1–11. ISSN 0235-7186.
  • STUKKER, Ninke, Ted SANDERS a Arie VERHAGEN. Causality in verbs and in discourse connectives: converging evidence of cross-level parallels in Dutch linguistic categorization. Journal of Pragmatics: an interdisciplinary journal of language studies. July 2008, vol. 40, iss. 7, s. 1296–1322. ISSN 0378-2166.
Final academic theses

Creator. Theses title: subtitle. Other title. Place of submission, date of submission. Type of work. Name of the institution where the thesis was written (University, Faculty, Institute). Supervisor of the thesis. Notes.

  • Optional information is marked in blue.


  • Diplomová práce | BIRCKMANNOVÁ, Michaela. Německá lidová strana na Moravě na přelomu 19. a 20. století. Brno, 1991. Diplomová práce. Masarykova univerzita, Filosofická fakulta, Katedra československých dějin.
  • Disertační práce | JŮVA, Vladimír. Vývoj německé muzeopedagogiky. Brno, 1992. Disertační práce. Masarykova univerzita, Filozofická fakulta, Ústav pedagogických věd.

How to cite electronic documents

  • Always indicate the type of media in square brackets - e.g. [online], [CD-ROM]; we can also specify the source in more detail, e.g. [online blog].
  • We can be as specific as possible about the update of the online resource, e.g. ©2012 or last updated on April 3 2017.
  • For electronic resources, the date of citation is a mandatory entry, which we provide in the form: [citation YYYY-MM-DD] - e.g. [citation 2017-04-12].
  • The last mandatory data for electronic documents is availability and access. This information is given in the form "Available from:" and should refer to a verified source (typically a URL). If the document does not have a fixed address, we can indicate the path, e.g. by giving the name of the source database: ProQuest.
Electronic books (monographs) and anthologies

Creator. Title: subtitle [online]. Issue. Other contributors. Place of publication Publisher, year of publication, scope of work [cited YYYY-MM-DD]. Edition, volume number. Notes. ISBN. Available from: URL.

Editions are required for second and subsequent editions only.

Optional information is marked in blue.

  • Examples:
  • KAMIŃSKA, Malgorzata Anna. A History of the Concise Oxford Dictionary [online]. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang AG, 2014 [cit. 2015-11-06]. Łódź Studies in Language, Vol. 34. E-ISBN 978-3-653-04370-9. Dostupné z:
  • DYTRT, Petr. Antologie textů k francouzské literatuře 2. pol. 20. století [online]. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2013 [cit. 2015-11-06]. PDF, 1,79MB. ISBN: 978-80-210-6482-9. Dostupné z: Digitální knihovna Filozofické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity


Article in an electronic journal

Article creator. Title: article subtitle. Secondary author. Title: subtitle of the source document (journal) [online]. Place of publication: publisher, year, volume, issue, page range (p.) / year, volume(issue), page range (without p.) [cited YYYY-MM-DD]. ISSN. Available from: URL.

  • The standard lists publisher information (place of publication and publisher) as mandatory, but it is not essential for document identification and can be omitted.
  • The location in the source document (year, volume, number and page range information) can be entered in either of the two ways listed.
    • For the first method, we provide abbreviations for the year and number, always in the document's language.
    • If the abbreviations are omitted, the numbers are distinguished typographically: the volume number is in bold, and the part number is in round brackets. We do not indicate the p. before the page range.
  • Optional data are marked in blue.



  • GRAY, Ronald. But Kafka Wrote in German... The Cambridge Quarterly [online]. Oxford Unversity Press, 1/1/1977, vol. 7, iss. 3, s. 205–216 [cit. 2016-10-19]. ISSN 1471-6836. Dostupné z:
  • STRINGER, John A. et al. Reduction of RF-induced sample heating with a scroll coil resonator structure for solid-state NMR probes. Journal of Magnetic Resonance [online]. Elsevier, March 2005, 173(1), 40–48 [cit. 2011-04-26]. ISSN 2578-2369. Dostupné z:
Electronically published final academic theses

Creator. Thesis title: subtitle. Other title [Type of medium]. Place of submission, date of submission [date of citation]. Type of thesis. Name of the institution where the thesis was written (University, Faculty, Institute). Thesis supervisor. Availability and access. Notes.


  • Final theses published in the MU Information System | DOLEŽEL, Michal. Staré japonské literární památky a jejich estetika. [online]. Brno, 2003 [cit. 2012-04-11] Diplomová práce. Masarykova univerzita, Filozofická fakulta, Sdružená uměnovědná studia. Vedoucí práce: Koshsi Hirajama. Dostupné z:

Page creator. Title: subtitle of the page. Secondary creator. Title: subtitle of the source website [online]. Issue [cited YYYY-MM-DD]. Available from: URL.

  • Optional data is marked in blue.


Online video

Creator. Title. In: Name of the source site [Media type]. Publication [date cited]. Issue [citation date]. Availability and access. Notes.

  • Optional data are marked in blue.



Title: Subtitle. Other titles [Media type]. Creator (director). Place of publication: publisher, date of release in the country of production. Title of edition and numbering. Availability and access. Notes.

  • Optional information is marked in blue.


  • Inception [movie]. Directed by Christopher NOLAN. USA: Warner Bros. Pictures, 2010.
  • Výlet [movie]. Režie Alice NELLIS. Česká republika, 2002.


Czech laws quoted from an online source

Creator. Name and designation of the cited law/part. In: Name of the source. Issue. URL/name of the database.


  • ČESKO. Zákon č. 111 ze dne 22. dubna 1998 o vysokých školách a o změně a doplnění dalších zákonů (zákon o vysokých školách). In: Sbírka zákonů České republiky. 1998, částka 39, s. 5388–⁠5419. Dostupný také z: ISSN 1211-1244. 

The manual for ISO 690 was prepared and maintained by Mgr. Hana Holoubková. It is available under the CC BY 4.0 licence.

  • subject indexing of documents
  • provision of lessons and workshops
Citation Tools

Tools for creating and managing citations

So-called citation generators and managers can make your work much easier. They can help you create in-text citations or a final list of references. However, you should be careful when using them - they are just tools and do not guarantee accuracy.

Citation generators

A web application that generates a citation in the desired citation style (e.g. APA or ISO 690) based on the data entered.

Choosing the correct document type is crucial - if you try to cite a web page as an e-book, the generator will not detect this error and will mark the created citation as correct.

Examples of citation generators

Citation managers

A web or desktop application that can create quotes and store, sort, and offer various other features.

What the citation managers can do
  • storing bibliographic data (author, title, date of publication, ...) on the sources found
  • creation of citations with an easy change of citation style
  • import of bibliographic data from search engines and library catalogues
  • sorting into folders, annotating and adding full texts of documents
  • sharing records with others
  • web browser add-ons for quick storage of information about the sources found
  • text editor add-ons for inserting citations into the text of a paper and generating a final reference list

There are many citation managers; for example, a comprehensive overview and comparison can be found on Wikipedia. We will take a closer look at the extended Citation PRO and Zotero.

Citation Manager Citace PRO

Web application available in full version free of charge for MU students and employees (access via single sign-on).

Selected features

  • includes ISO 690 and many other citation styles
  • add-in for MS Word (Windows only)
  • Firefox and Chrome add-ons

More information

Go to Citace PRO

Citace PRO

Citation Manager Zotero

Free downloadable web interface and desktop application (Mac, Windows, Linux).

Selected features

  • add-ons for Mozilla, Chrome, Safari
  • sdd-ons for Word, Libre Office and Google Docs
  • other add-ons (community development)

More information

Go to Zotero

Zotero online

The manual for citation tools was prepared and maintained by Mgr. Eva Jandová. It is available under CC BY 4.0 license.

  • provision of reference and consulting services
  • coordination and provision of lessons and workshops
  • management of Facebook and Instagram social media accounts
  • creation of recherches

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