The main library building and the Reading Room with cafe desk kaFFe will open on August 1.
Please be cautious whilst in the main building. The ceiling window is broken; the stairwell chairs and the stairwell on the third floor will therefore not be accessible. Makerspace will also be closed.
Please follow the information panels in the library. We apologize for the inconvenience and are working on fixing it.
Opening hours will be as follows.
Main library building and Reading Room
July 1 to 31
August 1 to September 4
Monday–Thursday 9–13
Friday, Saturday and Sunday closed
September 5 to 11
Monday–Friday 9–16
Saturday, Sunday closed
Group Study Rooms and Staff Group Workspace
July 1 to September 11
Monday–Friday 9–15
Even though the library is closed, we are available via email and on the phone on workdays. You can return the books to the Book Drop at any time.